Motorcycle Repair: Starter on a 1994 Kawasaki Ninja 500, kawasaki ninja 500, electrical diagnosis


I was trying out my bike for the first time and rode it for about an hour. It had trouble starting for a while and now when i press the start button, nothing happens. The scratching sound of starting is not present. Someone told me its not the battery because we can get it to start from a push start. And it may not be the switch. He pointed to two small knobs and said that I should put a mulit meter to it. He also said if i am handy i may be able to do it myself. It is an old bike and one that i only bought to learn. What should I do?

Hi Sanka,

The first thing to do is get a copy of the service manual. I recommend the Kawasaki manual. Less expensive brands seem to lack clarity and information. We get what we pay for.

Avoid seeking solutions from someone who is not a certified and experienced tech, respectfully.

The battery is the place to start. Before performing electrical diagnosis, the battery must be fully charged and in good condition or test results may be inaccurate.

Learn more about electrical testing in the service manual.

If the starter button switch contacts are corroded or defective, you'll have symptoms as described. Other common causes includes, but are not limited to:

Loose battery cables
Worn or defective starter motor brushes
Worn or defective solenoid

Mark Shively