Motorcycle Repair: Yamaha Virago 535 wont start after fall, yamaha virago 535, check oil level

My wife's 1996 Yamaha Virago 535 won't start now after tipping over during her practice ride. Some fuel was spilt out. (small dent in the gas tank.. sigh!) To me it seems that no fuel is getting through. Could the fuel filter (?) be empty (like a vapour lock)? The engine just cranks over and over and over without firing. It was running fine, new gas, etc before she tipped it over.  

I took out the plugs and clean them twice now. They are not too bad - a little wet and dark brown in colour. I dryed them, sanded them down a little and re-gaped them.  I will check the spark from the plugs tomorrow night after work to see if the spark is okay. I assume so because it was working fine before the fall.  

Thanks for any suggestions. I just bought the owner's manual and I will read that tonight or tomorrow.

[email protected]

Hi Doug,

After a tip-over, the engine may act as described. The cause may one or more of the following; fluids going places they normally don't reside, wet spark plugs, saturated air filter, shock broken electronics, or other.

Set the MC on the center stand (if available) and allow it to stand overnight.

Do as you've done and clean the plugs.

Check the air filter and air box drain for evidence of gasoline and oil. Clean or replace accordingly.

Check battery electrolyte levels. Add distilled water if necessary.

Check oil for evidence of gasoline. Smell oil from oil filler cap opening. Check oil level with MC upright on level surface.

Check coolant reservoir level (if applicable).

Mark Shively