QuestionI have a Honda 68 CL350 that has not run for several years that I am slowly restoring. I installed a new clutch cable but could only adjust it to where the clutch would still slightly engage the gears even with the clutch pulled in. Now when I try the kick starter it does not turn the engine at all, only the gears even in nuetral. I was able to turn the crankshaft with the nut on the alternator and have good compression.
AnswerTom, the kickstarter primary gears operate through the clutch and transmission, so when the clutch isn't engaging then the engine won't turn over.
350 clutch release mechanisms are somewhat tricky to get adjusted, but usually it is harder to get them to release then to engage.
First loosen all the cable adjusters, handlebar and at the engine case. Loosen the lock nut on the side cover adjuster and turn the screw all the way clockwise, to where it stops, then back it off about 1/16 to 1/8 turn. Now take up the slack with the lower cable adjuster, then you can fine tune with the top handlebar adjuster.
This all assumes that you assembled the rear cover with all the parts in the right sequence. The 3 ball plate has to engage the three ramped holes in the clutch lever arm and the steel ball has to be in place to engage the end of the clutch pushrod. If the engine has a lot of miles on it, the parts may be worn beyond adjustment. The end of the clutch pushrod has to be pretty flat and the ramps, as well. When you have the cover off with the cable in place... harder to do with the CL pipes.. the lever should be just below horizontal, so it pulls through an arc like this < . If it is noticeably different then the adjuster screw or adjustment cam is out of position.
It is hard to find 350 illustrations on the web, now, but the Honda 360 had similar parts and you can view them at by signing in and selecting the Honda CJ360 model, then the left crankcase cover option.
Bill Silver