My 2003 HD Fatboy (1600miles) has sat in the garage (Austin, TX) for the last four months. It was low on oil, so I filled it up and tried to start it. The battery is fine. It tries to start for a split second, then I get this very loud clicking noise.
Can you please help? Any ideas?
AnswerHi D.
This does sound like a battery problem. Any time that a battery sits for months at a time, no matter what the advertisements say, it will tend to discharge. if you have a maintainence free battery, then you need to replace it. If you have a standard battery, then check it with a hygrometer. You could have one or more bad cells or low fluid in the cells. Just checking with a multimeter will tell you the volts, but a starter runs on amps, which a battery, while having volts a-plenty, may be short in the amps department.
A good test to check this is to start the bike from a car battery. DO NOT do this with the car running.
If the bike starts like normal, then the problem (in this case) is the battery.
Good luck and ride safe.