Motorcycle Repair: 2003 Honda Goldwing headlight trouble, 1800 goldwing, honda goldwing

Hey Falcon,
I discovered the cause of the headlight problem.  The 1800 Goldwings have a special circuit to shut off the headlights when the starter button is pressed.  This sends all the available current to the starter.  From time to time the starter button does not spring back to it's open position.  Sure enough, when I looked at the starter button it was partially depressed.  A little WD 40 and all is well!  Thought you might like to know. Thanks for your response!
Followup To
Question -
Hi Chris,
Yesterday I rode my 1800 Goldwing and noticed that NONE of the four headlights are working.  The day before, I rode and they worked fine.  Is there a fuse or relay that controls ALL 4 headlights?
Answer -
Hi Maynard.

All motorcycles have a fuse for the headlight system.  You could have a bad fuse, blown fuse or bad/dirty fuse connection. Since the bike is only a couple of years old, I seriously doubt that the problem is anything worse.

Good luck and ride safe.

Hi Maynard.

Glad to know that it was only that.  It seemed a bit odd that such a bike as a GL would have a problem at such a young age.  Sometimes a little bit of dirt can stick things and it wasn't something that had even occured to me.

Thanks for letting me know.

Have fun and ride safe.