Motorcycle Repair: 97 road king, stator, volts

I have a 97 Road King fuel injected. The problem I have been having started as a once in a while deal I would ride for about an hour or so and then the bike would start missing and die on me, now when it idles it seems fine but as I insrease the rpm's the eng light comes and when riding it when I accelerate it stumbles and misses. I put a new battery on it and I am getting 13.8 volts at around 2000 rpm's also at times the when the bike is just setting still idling the rpm's will ramp up for a bit then go back down. If you can give me an idea of what to look at I really would apprecaite it.

Either your stator or the regulator might be getting ready to go out. Do a OHMs test and a DC volt test on the stator. If it passes then the regulator might be bad. There is no test for the regulator.
The only other thing you can do is go to a dealer and have a dianostic done on the bike. This will tell you why the engine light is coming on.
Good luck and happy riding