Motorcycle Repair: 1982 Honda XR200 wont start, honda xr 200, honda xr200

I have a 1982 Honda XR 200 that i bought last year. I had some problems w/ the carb I believe. Cleaned it out multiple times and it was doing alright. But now it just wont start. It is getting spark, I have cleaned out the air filter, and replaced the spark plug. It seems to have good compression but I dont know the right way to check for it. I just put my hand over the intake w/ the carb off and pull on the kick starter. Any suggestions on what else might be the problem or how to fix it? Thanks much
[email protected]

Hi Kit,

I suspect the carburetor may need more thoroughly cleaned.  

The fuel system should be inspected for evidence of contamination that may be the source of repeated carb cleanings. The entire fuel circuit needs to be inspected and cleaned.

I'll send a couple of tech information files to your email.

Mark Shively