Questioni own a 2005 suzuki c50 boulevard,and i was wondering if had the stock pipes gutted out ,would i have to do anything to the fuel injection?
AnswerPete, I would suggest you consult the manufacturers of the exhaust pipes for the particulars. Hopefully, if you are changing the mufflers to something else, they will have tested their system on a dyno. If you are just going to take a hacksaw and drill to the pipes, you are in unknown territory, unless you have access to a dyno and someone who knows how to modify the engine afterwards.
Anytime you change the air intake or exhaust system you will alter the fuel delivery needs. FI systems have a "map" that takes into account many varibles and has a certain amount of flexibility depending on what it "sees" as necessary for fuel requirements. If you make a change that radically alters the fuel system requirements, you may exceed its mapping ability causing poor performance and fuel economy, not to mention the major noise issues your neighbors will face!
There are adjustable components called POWER COMMANDERS that are computer programmable and can create new maps for most systems. These accessory parts will void the warranty, as will the exhaust mods, in most cases. Manufactures spend $$$ and many hundreds of hours, carefully designing the machine to meet both noise and emission control requirements, plus ensuring that there is good performance and reliability for their product.
Bill Silver