Motorcycle Repair: 99 yamaha r6, feeler guages, yamaha r6

i trying to buy a 1999 yamaha r6 . it has 6000 miles on it and sounds like it has a valve tap. the seller is trying to tell me they need adjusting every 3000 miles is that true and if so how costly is that repair

Hi Mike.

 I cannot say if the 300 mile limit is correct for the R6, but it does sound about right.

As far as doing the valve adjustment, the cost depends on the garage doing it (most are well over 100 dollars).  If you do it yourself, then it costs you nothing but the time and anything that you may need to spend for feeler guages, the repair manual and any other shop tools that you may be short.

It isn't difficult to do yourself as long as you are reasonably mechanically inclined.  If you are going to repair anything on the bike, yourself, then get the repair manual.

Good luck and ride safe.