Motorcycle Repair: 1975 shovelhead engine, stock cases, sprocket

i have 2 questions, the first being with stock cases how large of bore and stroke can safely be done. the second question,  how to properly align the rear wheel so that it runs true. any help you could give me in these area,s would be very helpful. thank you have a good day

On the first question. You can go with a 5" stroke and with stock cylinders you can only go .090 over. You can get bigger cylinders however, but you will have to bore the cases. The cylinders would be 3 5/8 bore. S&S makes a great kit to change over your bike to a 93 CI. If you are looking for a price to change the bike over to a 93" contact me at [email protected] and I will be glad to help you.
On the second question. Take a measurement from the center of the axle to the back of the axle adjuster. It should be the same on both sides. If you are looking to align the wheel side to side, run a straight edge from the sprocket on the trans to the rear sprocket.
Good luck and happy riding