Questionhi, I really know nothing about motorcycles, but i ride a suzuki 200dr enduro. I need ot change my front brake pads, and i was wondering if you can give me some instructons on how ot do it myself. mechanics are sooo expensive. i'd appriciate any tips you can give! thanks
AnswerHi Rachid.
Changing brake pads is quite easy. The details differ from bike to bike, but here are the basics.
1) Remove the wheel.
2) Spread the brake calipers all the way back to the stops.
3) Remove the locking pins and the pads.
4) Without touching the surfaces of the new pads, install them.
5) Reinstall the wheel and bleed the brakes.
That is the general proceedure. Get the repair manual for specifics as to any proceedural changes that are specific to your bike.
Good luck and ride safe.