Motorcycle Repair: rear tire bottoming out, wheel spacers, rear fender
Questionhello rear tire bottoms out on inside of fender we have tried evrything. shocks are new the tire bottoms out and rubs on insode of rear fender (about 8 inches long by 4 inches wide off center to left. we have taken apart got new parts can not figure out why still bottoming out. problems started when we had a bubble in tire at OC bike week this year. took to dealer to get new tire after that it started having problem. out bike is a 2000 ultra classic do you think frame got bent ot swing arm we are at a loss and my husband is very knowledgeable when it comes to motor cycles he is just stumped please help is there anything you can think that would cause this. thank you Holly WIlkinson if you can maybe call us I know you must get a lot of e-mail questions 1-240-375-9031
AnswerUnless you had a wreck, I cannot see why your frame or swinging arm would be bent. Either they put the wrong size tire on or the wheel spacers were installed backwards or the wrong ones put in. The tire should be centered in the rear fender.
Good luck and happy ridng