Motorcycle Repair: Comparing Bikes, intel files, dirt bikes

Hello eXpert Mark,

My name is Nagy and I am a fellow expert in Electronics, home theatre and satellite Pay-TV.
I live in Australia and I have an import business.
Due to the local demand for Dirt Bikes, I have been communicating with Chinese manufacturers as to source from them.
In return I was confused with all the jargon they used which I doubt that all end-users would know but since they affect the price greatly I would appreciate all help in deciphering them.
So basically, number of engine strokes, number of valves, alloy vs steel parts, normal or upside down absorber, water vs air cooling.
I understand it could be too much for you to discuss and write but it will be equally helpful if you attach some links for me to read, I'm good at it.



Hi Nagy,

Please send me an email address. I'll return intel files and links on the subject matter.

I wish AllExperts would share email addy's with us. It would make this service much more efficient for us experts.

Mark Shively