Motorcycle Repair: Ignition Problem, suzuki 500gse, plug caps
QuestionI have a 1996 Suzuki 500GSE. Trouble starting. Eventually starts but with low RPMs and when throttled up it dies. I found only one cylinder is operating normally. It has a spark. The other cylinder at first appeared to have no spark. However, when I disconnected the boot and let the spark jump to the electrode the engine revs normally! When the boot is re-connected the problem reappears. Cleaned both spark plugs and checked HV wiring for frays/cracks. Switched spark plugs to opposing cylinders-the problem stays with the "bad" cylinder.I'm mystified. Have any ideas Mark? Many thanks from this worthless, humble servant.
AnswerHi James,
You're funny!
(Many thanks from this worthless, humble servant.)
I suspect the spark plug cap is defective. Verify by switching ignition coils or plug caps.
Otherwise, check for loose connections and dirty or corroded conections and grounds.
Mark Shively