Motorcycle Repair: flywheel, resonant length, centrifugal motion
i wanted to know that does a motorcycle or for that matter a scooter have a "flywheel" or not?
aslo does changing the exhaust pipe diameter causes any drop in the bike fuel efficiency?
AnswerKammy, all engines use a flywheel to help maintain the centrifugal motion of the engine, as it turns over between strokes. Plus many small engines use the flywheel as part of either the charging system and/or the ignition system, depending on whether it is a magneto, points or CDI ignition system.
Altering the length and/or diameter of an exhaust pipe that was specifically designed for a particular application changes it's resonant length, which affects when it is able to reflect the negative pressure wave back to the carburetor to enhance engine engine "scavaging."
Exhausts are very carefully designed by the manufacturer for optimum efficiency, sound reduction and economy.
Bill Silver