Motorcycle Repair: Fuel leak out of #2 exhaust, float valve, needle valves

Sure. The bike sat for a while, I bought it not that long ago. I haven't done any repairs to the bike. I can't remember if the engine ran without the choke. I just saw the fuel spraying.. sorry I don't have more information, I just bought the bike. [email protected]
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Question -
I'm a new guy to motorcycle anything, and have an '81 Maxim 650. It starts yet literally sprays fuel out of a little pinhole in the bottom of the exhaust pipe. I have compression and spark. Any advice? Whatever you say is what I'll do. Thanks.
Answer -
Hi Andrew,

Can you provide me with any additional details on this motorcycle?

Was the MC stored for any period of time?

Any recent repairs, modifications, or service?

Does engine run without choke?

What events lead upto this current condition?

What was done to try annnd repair it?

Also, I return tech information files by email. Include your email address with your question. Standing by for your reply...

Mark Shively  

Thanks for the updated information.

I suspect the fuel in the carburetors has varnished and caused the float valve springs (needle valves) and floats to stick open. When this happens, fuel overfills float bowls. Fuel may flow into the airbox and cracnkcase. Fuel may also have flowed into the pipes or may have been forced into the pipe during starting attempts.

Check oil for evidence of fuel. Change oil and oil filter accordingly.

It should be known that condensation forms in pipes, too. from changes in temperature and a a by-product of combustion.

I'll send tech flies to your email addy.

Mark Shively