Question I have an 1986 honda elite scooter. With a 150cc motor. Whenever I let it set for over two weeks I can't get it started again. without a lot of trouble. The motor will start but it will only run about 5/10 seconds before it stops. Is there any adjustments I can make to help solve this problem? THANKS
AnswerJerry, it sounds like it isn't getting any fuel. Check the tank for fuel. Find the drain screw on the bottom of the carburetor and open it up, draining any fuel into a container. Look for water, dirt, rust if it drains out.
There may be a problem with the petcock/screen assembly that is mounted in the bottom of the fuel tank. There is also an electric starter control unit that is part of the carburetor, which could be faulty.
Unless you are just out of fuel, there are no "adjustments" that can be made to correct this problem.
Either parts need cleaning, servicing or replacement.
Research the parts online:
Bill Silver