Motorcycle Repair: Suzuki 650 Savage - Noise, suzuki 650, valve clearance

I have a 2003 Suzuki 650 Savage (single), 7000 miles. It has developed a chirping sound coming out of the muffler, when idling or running (all the time). The shop checked the valve clearance and told me it was fine. They told me it must be the muffler. I bought a new muffler(expensive), it still makes the same noise. Please I need some advise. As the dealer doesn't sell a lot of Savages, I really don't have much faith in their mechanic's opinion anymore.

Hi Randy,

I need to hear the sound to accurately diagnose the sound.

This is the first complaint I've heard of such a problem. Try visiting the Message Board at "" and post the question there.

Mark Shively