Motorcycle Repair: 1997 Honda cr125r, honda cr125r, steel liner
Question Yesterday as i was riding i got to noticing vibration from the engine and when i would jump the engine would like continue to rev even though i let off the throttle. So i took my engine off and started teardown. Well the first thing i found is that the exhaust vavle control arm retaing nut had come off therefore it wasnt working. I went on and took the head off and the cylinder look ok but i noticed i could press on the piston slightly and turn it, not much. Best i could tell it was the bottom end of the rod where all the play was. So i decided to go with a complete crank and new piston but im unsure about a sleeve. the piston thats in it now is 30 over so would i order a 30 over sleeve, and will there be any machine work needed. What do you suggest. My cyclinder probally would be ok just with new rings but i like to know engine is better than just ok. sorry if wrote to much and thanks for your time.
AnswerJames,It sounds like you had a sizure in the engine?? Iwould replace any thing that looks worn? The cylinder if it has a steel liner in it ,it could be rebored up to .080 over if nessary? But only have it bored to the next size that takes up the wear,then put in a new piston. Good luck. Try me again. Glen