Motorcycle Repair: 1987 harley FXR, harley fxr, starter solenoid
Question---if the wires are overheated would the bike still run if you roll it off ? or does the over heated wires just keep it from starting electricly----------------------
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---changed solenoid went to start relay just clicked changed relay still nothing got any suggestions maybe starter?---------------------
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hit kill switch and the starter engaged and starting spinning until battery almost died.then took termainal loose. than waited a min then put termanal on again tried to start and then it just clicked rolled it off got home charged bat. did nothing but click . does it need new bat or did solenoid burn up.there was smoke when it was spinnig out of control
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First hav the battery tested to make sure you have a good one. If not then replace it. As to the starter running away, replace the starter solenoid. Its sticking.
Good luck and happy riding
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Ok, got it. Go ahead and replace the spring as well. Check your wiring also as well as the breakers. You might have overheated a positive wire from either the battery or the solenoid.
Good luck and happy riding
AnswerIt depends on which wires are damaged. your two main wires, the one from the batttery to the solenoid and the one from the solenoid to the starter get pretty hot when the starter runs away. Most of the others will be ok. They are taking the current. Also the battery will over heat. that why I said before to have the battery checked. I have seen the posts almost melt off the battery.