Motorcycle Repair: Speedometer Honda CL125S, speedometer needle, ebay auctions

I have a 1973 Honda CL125S.  The speedometer does not work.  The odometer part works fine, and the cable looks good.  The speedometer needle vibrates and over registers at lower speeds.  As the speed increases, so does the vibration, until around 40 mph when the needle flips over and stays at the highest possible speed (80 I think).  When I slow down it gradually goes back to zero or may stay at near zero (5-10 mph) when I stop. What causes this?  Can it be repaired?  If so, does it require a professional..and any recommendations?  Thanks

Larry, the bronze bushing inside the speedo head has lost its lubrication. If this has been going on for very long, the parts have galled inside and are permanently damaged.

Your options are to have a speedometer repair shop try to force some lubrication into the bushing from the outside or attempt to disassemble it for repairs. These are pretty much sealed units, so repairing them gets pretty expensive.
Check with Ebay auctions and see if some new ones come up for sale. Other sources are

Bill Silver