Motorcycle Repair: haley shutdown, stock coil, refference
QuestionThis question is in refference to an earlier question about an 88 flt that shuts down after riding 20 or 30 miles. I replaced the stock coil with a acell super coil. Now the bike will go about 80 miles before shutdown. And when I put the stock coil back on it goes back to 20 or 30 miles again. Could something be causing the coil to heat up thus causing the problem. Thank you
AnswerCoils create heat on their own, but it sounds like that is probaby not your problem. I think I remember your earlier question ( I get about 10 questions a day). i think i said to test the coil and the ignition pickup. Since you have replacedc the coil and still having the problem of no spark them the ignition pickup is probably bad. But test it before replacing it.
Good luck and happy riding