QuestionMike thanks very much for your response. I have a followup.
What could have caused the bent shifter fork? I have not had a
wreck, I am the only one who rides the cycle, and I had ridden it the
previous day with no problems and suddenly it cropped up. I heard
from someone that the Sportster was known for such problems?
Finally what should I expect it to cost to have it fixed.
AnswerThe early sportsters were know for this problem since the shifter forks were made of brass, but the now ones are steel. If you are haveing a problem with shifting then I look at the shifters forks first. Over time then can bend since they are thin and over time loose their spacing. If the gears are not spaced right then you will not be able to shift gears.As to the cost, it is hard for me to say, due to the fact that there are different prices all over the country. I can tell you in my shop that it would cost around $250.00 plus parts to do your transmission, but I do charge less than harley dealers.
Good luck and happy riding