QuestionI was riding yesterday when all of a sudden I heard a little pop
noise. All of the lights went on on my bike (suzuki 500
sportbike) and everything turned off. I rolled it to the curb, and
nothing. Couldn't turn it back on, get any power - nothing! I had
to tow it home via my truck. What do you think the problem is
and how can I fix it? thanks SOSOSO much!
AnswerHi Vanessa,
From your description, I suspect a blown fuse due to one of the following:
Check the fuse box for a defective fuse. Check the wiring and electrical coponents for evidence of a "direct short" bare wiring touching a grounded conductor such as the frame or engine.
Mice and squirrels often damage wiring by chewing the wiring insulation. Wiring can break inside the insulation causing an "open short" in which current path is simply broken.
If all checks ok, perform electrical diagnosis on system components to verify their integrity.
Mark Shively