Motorcycle Repair: seperating front forks, damper rod, fork seals

I'm woking on a Yamaha,but this may be similar to Honda.I'm trying to put new fork seals in but don't have the factory tool to seperate the tubes.Any other item i can slip down the tubes to hold the nut at the bottom?

Micheal, you didn't mention the year/model of the Yamaha so I couldn't even look it up on the  site.

I'm guessing that you are trying to hold the damper rod from turning inside. I have used a long 1/2" drive extension bar and even a long broomstick end to help keep it from spinning during diassembly and reassembly. It is helpful to use air tools to get the screw/nut out as they are often assembled at the factory with lock-tite thread lock.

Bill Silver