Motorcycle Repair: suzuki dr 600 timing problems, suzuki dr 600, compression stroke
Questionhi mark could you please tell me how to set up my suzuki dr 600 (88 model) i,ve set it up according to man settings but the inlet valves are open when they should be closed. and also there is no comp in the cylinder. i,ve also tried rotating the cam 180° but that doesn,t work either. i would be very grateful for your help on this problem. wayne gambrill
AnswerHi Wayne,
I suspect camshaft timing was set with the piston on TDC of the exhaust stroke instead of the compression stroke.
Determine the piston is on TDC on the compression stroke and recheck the the timing.
Let me know what you find. Keep in mind that I return tech information files by email and to include your email address with question as requested.
Mark Shively