Motorcycle Repair: Engine Knocking, sportster, oil change
QuestionHello, I have a 1997 Sportster 1200C that is sick. I haven't ridden it in a few weeks and when I went riding today, about a mile down the road the engine started knocking very loudly. I immediatly turned around and parked it. It runs fine, and there is no smoke. I checked the oil and it did not coat the dipstick, possible fuel in the oil, plus it seemed low. I am do for an oil change right now, and am planning to do so fast. Do you think the low oil caused the knock in the engine and will changing the oil fix the problem? I hope I didn't damage the engine. Please help!
Answerknocking in a motor is not a good thing. It usually means a bearing is going out. Changing the oil is problaby not going to help, but you can give it a shot.
If you still have the knock you will have to start at the top of the motor and start investagating the problem, working your way down.
Good luck and happy riding