Motorcycle Repair: 1989 883 XLH, rocker boxes, foward controls

I recently installed a set of forward controlls on my bike. The intructions stated that the primary cover be removed to gain easy access to the nut holding the old brake lever. After removing the screws off the cover, along with the ones that held the generator, I wasn't able to remove the cover and therefore put them all back on and used a screw driver to hold the nut in place while removing the old brake lever. Once I had completed installation of the new forward controls and adjusting them, I started the bike and took if for a quick ride around the block. When I return, I noticed that there was oil coming out from the rocker arm cover screws, around the crankcase plug and towards the front of the bike (appears to be between the gasket and crankcase/primary). Then the oil dip stick shot out from the tank. I've replaced the dip stick and tightened all the screws, but it still leaks from every location mentioned above. Please help me fix my baby!

You have me a litle confused. You stated that your bike is a 1989. So if its a 1989 the shifter is on the primary side, not the brake. Also, your bike doesnt have a generator. Do you have the right year?
Also, did you do anything to the top end fo the bike? Installing foward controls would not make the rocker boxes leak.