Motorcycle Repair: 99 FLHRCI charging problem, peach color, skooters
i am impressed with your knowledge about skooters. i am a pretty green harley tech. with only a year of experience. we have been having touble out of our '99 road king. about a month ago i had to replace the battery. it started fine for a couple of rides, and one day i went to start it and all i heard were the clicking sounds of a dead batt. today i tried to run a few test on it and when i unplugged the connector from the stator to the regulator some pinkish/peach color fluid came out of where the two meet. that was new to me. i had no resistance at the end of the plugg coming from the stator. there was resistance at the regulator end. the bike will start with a charge to the batt. sometimes you can shut it off and it will not start, other times you can shut it off and it will pop right off. can you please help me bro?
AnswerI am not sure what the fluid is at the plug. Never heard of this.
First, check the battery to make sure it is good and no dry cell. Even new batteries can be bad. Now unplug the regulator and recheck the the resistence. Do it at one plug and ground and then at both pins on the plug. You are making sure there is no ground. Now with a AC volt meter, not DC, start the bike and check at the stator plug for voltage. At 3000 RPM you should be getting around 60 volts. If not replace the stator. If the stator checks out then the regulator is bad and needs replaced.
Good luck and happy riding