Question-mike i pulled my plugs and they are black ------------------------
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1983 flhtc fouling plugs and bogs down if you excellerate to quickly in fifth gear, bike has a new s&s super E carb, and i have no manual or any idea on how to adjust it correctly,i only use the enrichment lever when needed for starting. before this carb bike ran great. thanks for any help you can give me
Answer -
Pull your spark plugs and let me know what color they are.
AnswerHeres how to set your carb.
First, start with a new set of plugs. Start he bike and let it warm up. Looking at the top of the carb, you will see 3 screws. The left one is the idle screw, center one, of the big one, is the air/fuel mixture screw, and the right one is the pumper. Once hte bike warms up set the air/fuel mixture. Slowly turn it inward until the bike starts the stumble and then out 1/4 of a turn. Turn the pumper screw inward until its shut off. Now go for a ride. Keep the bike under 2500 RPM. What you are doing is checking the intermediate jet. If the bike bogs then the jet is to sall. If it spits throught the carb, then its to big. Since you stated that your plugs are black and fouled, then you are probably to big. Remove the bowl and go smaller on the intermediate jet. Every time you make a change on the jetting, reset the air/fuel mixture screw like above. Keep rideing a change the jet until the bike doesnt either bog or spit.
Now do the main jet the same way, only ride over 3000 RPM. remember, to set the air/fuel misture screw every time you make a change. One you have it set go for about a 20 mile ride. WHen you get back check the plugs. They shoule be a light tan. Now set the pumper. Turn it out about 1 1/2 turn. Go for a ride and shift fast. If the bike bogs between gears open it a little farther. Keep doing this until it doenst bog between gears.
Good luck and happy riding