Motorcycle Repair: battery not charging, ac volts, stock harley
Question113 cub how to test charging side of elecs and mainley test rectifier runs when battery charged after 60 mile run stop then not enough power to fully engage starter no sines just would not start power for lights horn etc just need the steps to test to see if charge going into battery starter just klickes repetadly only changed main beam swich but its worked ok after that battery one year old but stock harley is it up to it as motor only 3 years old and on second battery or do i need to up grade enything this is the first time with trouble but charged battery again and shes away thanks nobby uk
AnswerThe main parts to the charging system are the battery, wires, stator and the regulator.
First, get the bike running and with a volt meter check at the batery. At 2000RPM you should be getting around 13.5 volts. If not then check the wiring going to the batery from the regulator to make sure it is not bad.
If that is ok then test the stator. Unplug the regulator and using a OHMs meter, check for ground on the stator plug. If that passes then, with a AC volt meter, start the bike and see what the volts are coming out of the stator. At 3000 you should be getting around 60 AC volts. If not then its bad and needs replaces. If it passes everything then the regulator is bad.
Good luck and happy riding