Motorcycle Repair: ignition points, weekend road trip, fire ignition
QuestionHi Mike I've been looking for website like this for a while. I finally got one. Let me get to the point. I own an 84'shovel. I had a problem with my ignition. It had electronic ignition and I just switched to points. Reason being because I guess it would heat up and it cut out on me. It started happening last year after a weekend road trip. It would start firing on one jug only(front) and I let off on the speed and it would start firing again. Not all the time, I would also pull over for a few minutes and it would start right up and start going. Like I said I have put points back on it and it just will not start. I do have a manual for my bike and it looks like it is hooked up right. The electronic ignition had 4 wires. One was hooked up to the center post of the coil 2 were hooked up to the outer post on the coil and one was hooked up to a wire coming out from under my dash. It shoud be a hot wire from my key switch. It also had a wire from the bike harness that was hooked to the center post. The points system has one wire coming from the points and I think it is a ground wire. My new coil has only 2 post I have the point wire hooked to neg post(or so I think). Wire out of harness is on the other post and hot wire of switch has been tried on that post and other post and I have tried diffrent combos and nothing. I did open the point and no fire, I have been told I need a hot wire but where? I have tried to do lots on my own and have been pretty sucsessful. Rebuilt oil pump, new drive belt,new drive gear, top end job(with help). I know it is something simple that I'm missing please help me. If there in any more info you might need on this please let me know.
AnswerSounds like you had a single fire ignition and that is why you are having trouble. A single fire coil has three posts and duel fire (which is what you want) has two posts. Also, the coil for the electronic ignition doenst have enough OHMs for a points system.
First you need to install a new coil. Find your hot wire and connect it to he coil. The points will have one wire going to it. Once you get that done you should be good to go.
Good luck and happy riding