Motorcycle Repair: Honda Magna not charging, honda magna, electrical diagnosis

Hi Mark.
Help me if possible. My bike is a '94 750 Magna.
Battery is not charging. Have 12.3V on fully charged battery while running with no flux in voltage at any RPM. I have a Honda manual but it is very confusing to me as to all the test procedures and/or different test conections. Can you break it down a little better for me or advise a site where I might get this info. I have dig multimeter. Also, How difficult is replacing the Stator if this is the problem. I'm pretty good mechanically but don't know that much about bikes. Could my problem be the rectifier? Just need some advice.
Thanks much

Hi Finley,

You'll have to perform electrical diagnosis to learn the source of the problem. Test each component of the charging circuit.

Electrical testing can be time consuming, frustrating, and confusing. I don't know how to make the manual any easier for you to understand. Can you explain specifically what you do not understand? Visit "" and try their Troubleshooting Chart.

Yes. The problem may be the regulator/retifier, or the problem could be other parts.

Mark Shively