Motorcycle Repair: replaced battery, it moved now dead, suzuki intruder 800, hi mike
Questioni replaced my battery in 95 suzuki intruder 800 - took for ride battery shifted and must have grounded now nothing - checked fuses in box on side all ok - help
AnswerHi Mike,
Q: i replaced my battery in 95 suzuki intruder 800 - took for ride battery shifted and must have grounded now nothing - checked fuses in box on side all ok - help
A: Have you verfified the battery shorted as described or just guessing? If not remove the battery and inspect for evidence of a direct short. I need to know.
The more details you provide, the better diagnosis returned to you. Why was the battery replaced? Was battery tested? How was it tested and what were the test results? Was the Intruder stored for any periods of time? Any history of repairs? Modifications? Reguler maintenance followed?
The Intruder must have the worst battery access. That's a frustrating task.
Standing by...
Mark Shively