Motorcycle Repair: Chain Removal, harleys, katana

  I baddddddddly need a new Chain for my Katana...I called around and found one that will work for my bike, they gave me the price and i'm happy with that.  Problem is, I CAN'T GET IT OFF THE BIKE!  My friend who's a mechanic told me there should be a little clip...NO SUCH LUCK.  So i started searching the net (how i found you) and read a post about how some chains are "Pressed" together?  is that so?  if that is, how am i supposed to take the link apart, to take the chain get the new one?  The dealer said they'd cut the new one for me...for nothing...well, i need to get the old one off before the new one goes on!  ...Any help would be great.  Thanks...

I usually only answer questions on Harleys, but I might be able to help. Usually, there is a master link with a clip on the chain. I would look again to make sure. If there is not then you will have to cut the chain to remove it. Make sure the new chain has a master clip or you will need a special tool to install it.
Good luck and happy riding