Motorcycle Repair: carb., full throtle, ngk plugs

1987 vf700c honda == normal acceleration miss or hesitation = cruising 40 mph usually steady = 55 mph can feel hesitation = a few seconds after full throtle no miss or hesitation =  full throtle any gear is fine = new battery = new ngk plugs = used some carb. cleaner = starts perfect = idles perfect = revving at idle shows very little hesitation = checked plugs at night ( out )fire seemed equal ==  [email protected]

Hi Ron,

Sorry for the delay in replying. My ISP was down for service.

Reading your description is a bit confusing with all the equal signs. Is your MC hesitating during cruising at 55 mph?

Instead of mph or rpm, use throttle opening positions to describe carburetor/fuel related problems.

It's helpful to know if the MC was stored for any period of time. Also, some carb cleaners may harm carb parts.

From the information provided, I suspect the carbs need thoroughly cleaned. I'll send tech files to your eamil.

Mark Shively