Motorcycle Repair: Replace Turn Signal Light, left turn signal, honda cruisers
Question2005 Suzuki Blvd S50.
I need to replace the rear, left turn signal unit (the whole piece). I have the entire replacement unit in hand. I looks like it has one simple black cord that will plug into something. I don't know who much ‘stuff' I need to take off to find the plug in source. I remove the screw that holds the unit in place, and I can see the cord going in- I just don't know how far and deep it goes. Please advise. THANKS!
AnswerTough question for a Vintage Honda guy! Didn't even know what it was until I searched the web for info. Couldn't find it in my usual source: because it is too new.
Based on what experience I have had with Honda cruisers, I suggest you read your manual about how to remove the rear seat section so you can access the wiring that branches out to the rear lights. Generally it is all attached to the inner fender section, at least on Hondas. If you only have one wire, then the unit itself has to be grounded to the chassis somehow to complete the electrical circuit.
I'm sure you will find a nest of connectors under the seat somewhere and that will lead you to the connector for the turn signal unit.
Bill Silver