Motorcycle Repair: dyna glide vibration, paint mixer, custom wheels
Questionhello mike--i recently had some custom wheels installed on my 98 fxd (genuine harley, not aftermarket) and ever since then the bike shakes like a paint mixer. it seems ok at idle,under acceleration, or going at a steady speed, but when you roll off the throttle, the bars start shaking so bad they get blurry, until you pull the clutch in. I know it cant be a balance problem or it would do it all the time at higher speeds--poss. motor mount?
AnswerSince you never said it shaked before the wheels were install, then I will have to assumn that is has somthing to do with the wheels. One, Make sure the tires are good. Run your hand around them and look for flat spots. If your front tire is bad you will get the shaking. Make sure the axle bolts were tightened to the proper torque. And last, did they balance the tires?
Good luck and happy riding