Motorcycle Repair: 6 volt auto coil on honda C70 4 stroke, honda c70, primary resistance
I'm wondering if you can use a 6v auto coil to replace the 6v coil on a 1971 Honda C70. I know that this is off topic, but I would really appreciate the help (and the money saved!) These little coils are hard to find! I can find ones closely related to mine, but they won't work because of a variety of headaches. The Ebay gods have not been kind. Is this something that is not worth the trouble, or is it relatively straightforward?
Thanks for all the good work!
AnswerLee, a 6v coil is a 6v coil, so most anything you can fit in the space will work. Some automotive coils may have a greater primary resistance, so you should try to match the resistance value of yours, if it is still measurable. If the current draw is too high the points will fry fairly quickly.
Normally point ignition coils are around 4-5 ohms. Try m/c salvage yards, too.
Bill Silver