Motorcycle Repair: carbs/parts interchange, overflow tube, aceleration

i have a 1976 cb 550k honda. i have  a problem with gas coming from 1 or 2 of the overflow tube after hard aceleration, the bike also wont return to idle.if you tap the float bolws with a wrench the idle comes right back there anyway to solve this without taking carbs apart again. have already done so and cleaned them out.will carb cleaner in the gas tank work?also what parts interchange with this model?gas tank, seats ,fenders ect. thank you, carl

Carl, gas coming from the overflow tubes is due to float valves not shutting all the way off due to etching, dirt, varnish, wear or incorrect float level setting. 22mm is the correct float level.

You can try Yamaha Carb Cleaner solution, which can be useful.

They changed the carb assys for the 550 versions, but many of the earlier body parts will interchange.

Bill Silver