Motorcycle Repair: Wiring problem?, ohm meter, fxe
QuestionHi Mike, I have a rebuilt custom '82 FXE that I purchased about a year ago. My problem is that the battery is not recharging. I replaced the battery last year. Rcently replaced the regulator and plugs. Has compression and getting feul. I've pretty much figured it's a wire problem but don't know where to start or what tools I would need. I'm not a gear-head but know enough. I don't have a lot of cash to dump into this so I was hoping to fix myself (or at least make attempt). Any suggestions?
AnswerWhat you need to do is test the stator to see if its putting out power. You will need a OHM meter and a AC volt meter.
Unplug the regulator from the stator. Now with the OHM meter check the plugs on the stator to see if its grounded. If it is then the stator is bad. Now start the bike and with the volt meter check to see the output. At 2000 RPM you should be getting around 50 volts. If not then the stator is bad and has to be replaced. If it tests ok then check the wire going from the regulator to the battery for a short. If its ok then the regulator is bad.
Good luck and happy riding