Motorcycle Repair: turn signals, turn signal switch, electrical diagnosis
The turn signals on my 1983 VT500C Honda Shadow do not work until the bike warms up for a while. Why is causing this?
AnswerHi Mike,
It may be a CDI related problem, corrosion somewhere within the circuit, loose connection or short, or ????? Problems such as this require electrical diagnosis to find the source of the problem.
Get the service manual with wiring diagram and trace every wire and connector in the circuit. Use a 12 VDC tester and trace voltage. Inspect for defects and repair accordingly. Remove signal bulbs, inspect and clean bulb sockets of corrosion and rust (if any), and replace bulbs. Use dielectric grease on all connectors. Check for loose connectors and damaged wires. Check ignition and turn signal switch for corrosion, rust, and arcing or burned contacts. The list goes on...
Mark Shively