Motorcycle Repair: HD charging problem, ohm meter, stator

I have a 98 softail with a charging problem. I checked the volts with the bike off at the battery and it read 11.5 then I fired the bike up and it went to 12.5, now i know that it should be about 14.5. My question is how can I check to see if the voltage regulator is bad.
Thank you

You need to test your stator first. You will need a OHM meter and a AC volt meter. First, unplug the regulator and using the OHM meter check the two prongs on the stator to see if there is a ground. Put one probe of the OHm meter on one Pin and the other to ground. Now do the other. There should not be any ground.
Now, using the AC volt meter, start the bike and check the pins from the stator to see how many volts are coming out of the stator. The voltage should be 32-40 or 16-20 per 1000RPM. If the stator fails any of the above tests thn it needs to be replaced. If it passes the above tests then the voltage regulator is bad and needs replaced.
Good luck and happy riding