Motorcycle Repair: Sportster Camshaft disaster, sportster hugger, nuetral
I removed the gearcase cover from my 95 sportster hugger and the #1 & #3 camshafts fell out. How do I go about putting this mess back together and making sure it's back in time and doesn't do any severe damage? The tranny was in nuetral when this occurred. Thanks for your help.
AnswerLook at the cams that fell out and you will see dots or marks on them. The other cams have the same thing,. Line the dots up with the cam the goes next to it and you will be fine.Make sure they are totally lined up or yor bike will not run.
If you get a service manual there is a picture in it of the way they line up. Or check with your local dealer and they might make a copy of it for you.
Good luck and happy riding