Motorcycle Repair: 1977 Goldwing gl1000, fuel hoses, back fire
QuestionI just bought a really nice 77 gl 1000 with 18,000 miles. I replaced the fuel filter and the lines. The previous owner stated that the filter was old and when he rode on the freeway, the bike seemed like it was starving for gas and bogging out. When I took out the old filter it was really nasty. there were chunks that came out of the end and the old gas that came out of the filter was full with sandy like grit. Today I got the bike started. at first when it was cold it ran pretty good at a constant idle. When it warmed up, the idel began to go up and down between 4 thousand and 2 thousand rpm. When the idle was going up and down, on the sides where the cylinders are at" I think" it was making a "klunking" noice and seemed it wanted to stall but it continued to idle up and down. When I gave a little gas and kept the rpm at around 4 thousand it ran good with an occasional little back fire. I took it out on the street for a little test drive and it was back firing just a little when I was coasting. The bike still wanted to idle fast when I had the Clutch in. The kid that had it before stated it wasn't ridden for years. He stated the previous owner had some carb. work done but I really doubt that because the filter and fuel lines were a mess. I hope that was enough information.
Thank you very much,
Eric Duffin
AnswerHi Eric,
The fuel system will need inspected and thoroughly cleaned to remove contamination. This includes fuel hoses, tank & petcock, filter, and fuel pump.
The carburetors will need thoroughly cleaned to remove varnihing (gummed gasoline deposits). Synchronize the carbs after they have been cleaned.
Send me a email as requested. I'll return carb cleaning and tuning files.
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Mark Shively