Motorcycle Repair: how to do every thing to hondas, salvage yards, bill silver
Questioni am dooing a project and chose to repair motorcycles and wondered if you could tell me how to do it
AnswerJonathan, sorry I can't hold your hand through an entire restoration/repair project. There are lots of shop manuals and books about restoration of motorcycles, depending on what kind of Honda you choose that can take you through the process, for the most part. You will need a good set of tools, cleaning materials and the knowledge to do each step correctly as you proceed. Read up on what you are attempting to do first before you start tearing things apart.
Organize your work space, get the equipment you need to clean and organize the parts and prepare to learn a LOT and spend more money than you expect to do these kinds of projects. Get to know any m/c salvage yards in your area, as you can save a lot of money doing business with them and they can often give you ideas about how to do some parts of the project.
Bill Silver