Motorcycle Repair: bhp of a vehicle, expansion of gases, brake horsepower

i want 2 buy a new bike so i want 2 know WHAT DOES BHP MEANS OF A VEHICLE PLZ. ANS IT.

Hi Bhargav,

Indicated Horsepower (IHP)

It is the ‘theoretical' Power that an engine can develop by the expansion of gases inside its cylinders, such as by means of ‘indicator cards'.

Brake Horsepower (BHP)

It is the Power that an Engine can deliver for ‘useful' work, i.e. at its Flywheel and is measured on ‘Test-Beds' using ‘Pony Brakes' or ‘Dynamometers'.

For an Automotive Engine, it's always expressed as a ‘peak/max value' at a particular RPM at which it occurs and can be sustained for ‘some time'. None of the ‘Stock Car' Engines can sustain this max Bhp ‘continuously' as they are not designed accordingly.

In other words, a 100bhp/max car engine may be delivering ~ 70 bhp while cruising at 150kmph. The balance 30 bhp is the ‘reserve power' needed for short duration over-taking or going up a small gradient without having to shift gears.

Mark Shively