QuestionI have a 1985 Yamaha xj700/n Maxim X, I bought this bike 7 months ago and its ready for an oil change, I have never done an oil change on this bike or any other bike before. When I remove the Oil filter casing, how do I remove the oil filter
from the case there is a bolt going through it and a circuler metal plat covering the oil filter. When I turn the bolt from either side it all just turns in there and I dont see where it open it. Do I need a special tool to get the oil filter out of the case. Thanks, Steven Astorino.
AnswerHi Steve,
The oil filter bolt and housing will rotate together as the bolt is removed. Simply hold the housing to prevent it from turning, or allow the whole assy. to come off as one. Pay attention to the metal washer and spring thats found between the housing, and oil filter (part #'s 7 & 8 on the below link).
Once the assy. is removed, separate the parts and clean. Install new o'rings, lube o'rings with new oil, and reassemble with new oil filter. Install assy, back onto engine and add new oil.
Buy the Service/Repair Manual for detailed intel on this and all tech procedures for your MC. Check Ebay and for manuals.
To see the parts in michrofiche form visit this link:
Mark Shively