Motorcycle Repair: Suzuki Intruder VL1500 Starting Problem, suzuki intruder, starter clutch

I have a 2002 Suzuki Intruder VL1500. I have had problems starting it for the last 18 months.

I have replaced the battery, had the starter overhauled and tightened all the cables and still have problems. It mostly happens when it is hot but it can occure at anytime. It drags like it is a low battery and it will start ONLY about 60 percent of the time.

I have heard from other owners that they have the same problem. HELP PLEASE!  

Hi Mike,

I'm not aware of a common starting problem with the VL1500. I searched about my internet resources looking for common problems with negative results.

The usual problems associated with the symptoms you've described are:

worn carbon brushes (starter motor)
worn starter clutch
carbon powder build-up (starter motor)
corroded conductors (wiring)
defective or discharged battery
loose connectors
defective or corroded switch contacts
defective or corroded starter motor relay

I suspect worn brushes are causing the symptoms.

Visit: "" Click "OEM Parts" and select your MC from the menus that appear to see microfiche parts and prices from Bike Bandit. <--- A good Intruder resource

Mark Shively