Motorcycle Repair: oil in my air filter, harley sporster, carburater

I noticed a small amount of oil on my pipes and  I traced it back to my air filter. The filter had a lot of oil in it.Oil is shooting out the carburater and getting on the air filter. The bike is a 2003 Harley Sporster with 8200 miles on it. Please help. Thanks.

the oil is not coming from the carb, but from the breather tube. Look at the back of the backplate to the air filter. You will see a hose. This is the vent for the bottom end. When air goes out this vent a small amount of oil mist goes with it. You can remove the hose, extend it and run it out underneith the bike and this will keep your air filter clean. The other thing is to clean the air filter every 1000 miles or so to stop the drip.
Good luck and happy riding